It looks like Nebraska football could be adding another player to its 2024 roster. This addition would be coming from the transfer portal and it’s linebacker Vincent Genatone.
Genatone is from North Platte. He was a zero-star recruit coming out of high school and didn’t have any power-5 offers. He took some visits to Nebraska football but wound up choosing Montana over South Dakota State.
However, the 6-foot-1, 218-pound linebacker didn’t play much during his two seasons with the Grizzlies. Gentone did play in 12 games last season, mostly on special teams, and was credited with one tackle before he entered the transfer portal this spring.
What Genatone could bring to Nebraska football
Montana did make the FCS national championship game last season. Nebraska football didn’t offer Genatone coming out of high school and frankly, it wouldn’t make sense to offer now, at least not a full scholarship.
Genatone has been projected to land with the Huskers via a prediction from Bryan Munson of Husker Online. He filed that on Monday with 50 percent confidence.
My guess is that the Huskers are recruiting Genatone to join the team as a walk-on. There could be some NIL money, but there’s no way Nebraska should give a scholarship to a kid who couldn’t crack Montana’s starting lineup. The Griz have a solid program and it’s valuable to add a player with some experience, like Blye Hill, but Hill started and produced last season at St. Francis.
Genatone would have three years of eligibility. So he would have time to develop. He could also contribute to special teams right away. As long as this isn’t a scholarship deal, then adding another college talent is a no-brainer.
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